Sunday, December 14, 2008

Count to ten - or recite " Baabaa black sheep ".

Every now and then someone or something is really going to get your goat. But instead of letting the better get hold of us, raise our voice in anger and our pressure even higher, try counting to ten instead. Those vital seconds will help you gain your composure and remember where you are and who you are. Once you have collected your wits and calmed down, you will have a more appropriate and dignified response.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Be the first to say sorry

Resentment, anger gets you nowhere for all parties concerned. Don't care who started the trouble or argument. Don't worry who is right or who is wrong. As the saying goes " it takes a man to admit his mistake ". We can say sorry and retain our dignity and respect.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

You will never understand everything.

That is the simple truth ! Try as hard as we can, we will never be able to grasp everything in this complex world. And that applies to everything in all areas of life. And the sooner we grasp this fact, we will sleep easier. There are many things around us that will remain slightly or otherwise out of our comprehension. People will behave oddly and we may never understand why. Things may go wrong - even right suddenly - and it won't make sense. Try working it out and you end up more confused. Sometimes, it is much better to accept the fact, that things have happened and we can't do anything about it and get on with our lives.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Accept the difference, you're no different !

"Sugar and spice and all things nice... slugs and snails and puppy dogs' tails" as the rhyme goes. We may ask ourselves, which part describes us. The slugs, snails or puppy dogs' tails? The actual fact is, we are all a little of both, though we may not realize or admit it. It's a fact we all have our differences. But if we really take the trouble to analyze the situation or differences, we actually have more in common than we differ. And in reality, if we embrace what we have in common, and accept what is different, we might get on a whole lot better and the world in general would be a better place.

It's OK to feel big emotions.

Hiding our feelings or restraining ourselves isn't a good idea. It only bottles us up and chokes us from within. It is only natural to be angry. It's OK to feel sadness and grief, It's OK to feel joy, or be scared, anxious, relieved, excited or apprehensive. We are all human beings and have emotions. We don't have to be ashamed of our feelings. It is quite natural to be emotionally touched and it's OK to let it all show.

Legacy Leaving something of yourself behind.

It's only natural to leave something behind to be remembered by the ones you leave behind. Your children, grandchildren, even the generations to come. Some go beyond family boundaries. They are remembered for the discoveries they made, stories they told, music they composed, songs they sang, conquests they made, lives they led. Whatever they left behind, made an impact on the lives of men and women throughout the world, even though they may have gone for centuries. While not everyone may leave such an impact, others leave behind property or other items of value for the family and loved ones.

Don't be afraid to dream.

Speak to successful people and they will tell you they dared to dream. Dreams were made into plans and logical steps taken to bring them into realization. To most of them success started with a dream which they crystallized, and turned into an action plan.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Silence is golden. So often we have heard this golden rule, yet more often than not, we ignore it. This often results in embarrassment or regret. It's easy to moan, complain, criticize. But when it comes to finding something nice to say, we become tonque tied because our natural inclination is to moan. But in every person, however bad there is something good. And if we really look deeply, we will find it. The next best thing we can do is to follow the golden rule and say nothing at all, if we cannot say something good about anybody.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Leave a little space for yourself each day.

Taking a little break to get away from it all works wonders. You come back refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to carry on where you left off with a clearer mind and energized. The time you allocate, perhaps ten minutes or so, is to sit still and do absolutely nothing, just relax and breathe and enjoy the pleasure of being alive.